Puela Guest Performing at the International Dance Parade During the Pandemic


Every year the New York Dance Parade brings together thousands of dancers in a fun and glorious dance festival that celebrates diversity and the unity of all people. We fill the streets of New York with spectacular outbursts of rhythms and colors.

This year, the festival will be shared all over the world
as it is offered via live streaming over the internet.

I am delighted that I have been selected as a guest performer because an important aspect of my mission is to integrate the primordial aspects of dance with the cutting edge aspects of technology, which is exactly what the Dance Parare is doing right now.

This year we celebrate the theme “Dance Brings Us Together” with dancers from around the world. Plus, you are able to virtually hop in and out of 4 stages, take free dance classes, and actively chat with the dance community.

If you want to continue to dance all year around, join my Dance Enrichment Program!
Rejuvenate your body and soul...
Click here to enjoy 3 days FREE
with access to over 20 specialty courses ($500 value) and tons of fun!





A Flamenco Christmas Documentary

Now in the Making...

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to a fascinating video about
Flamenco Christmas origins
