Learn Authentic Zambra!
Zambra (sometimes called Zambra Mora) is a sensual, passionate Flamenco dance from my own culture, with Moorish, Sephardi, and Gitano roots, that I am devoted to rescue from danger of extinction since 1994.
Originally, Zambra Mora was the name given to the dance, the music and the celebrations that my ancestors held in Al-Andalus, which was the Arabic name for Spain. Zambras date back to the Middle Ages as a way to celebrate, through song and dance, important occasions in life.
Later on, the Church of Rome, and the Royal Court in Iberia ruled by the foreign Hapsburg family, unsuccessfully tried to wipe out Zambra Mora from the face of the Earth. Even though the Zambra tradition was persecuted and forbidden over and over for centuries by the terrible holocaust of the Inquisition, Zambras survived to become a cultural hit within Flamenco during the 1940’s.
Unfortunately, Zambras became an art in danger of extinction. Aware of this danger, I have been devoted, since 1994, to researching and rescuing different styles of Zambras, especially the Flamenco forms that I loved and danced from childhood. Now, you can learn authentic Zambra through this multimedia online course.
The first time that I heard a Zambra, I was in the cradle. I was born and raised in Montánchez, an ancient village in Southwestern Spain with an impressive Moorish castle, which used to be part of al-Andalus. The women of the village sang different styles of Zambras that were very popular at the time.
I remember how much I loved this singing when I was a child. I would dance the Zambras while daydreaming that someday I would become a professional dancer.
I am convinced that dancing authentic Zambras have a magical power to unfold your destiny and soul purpose in your mind’s eye.
While the Zambras fell into oblivion as Flamenco turned into a footwork-based dance form, I did become a professional dancer devoted to rescuing and passing down the Zambra Mora tradition.
I was deeply honored to be hailed by the prestigious New York City Center Education Department as a “World-renowned teacher, researcher and dancer, who carries the flame of an almost forgotten ancient Flamenco Tradition, The Zambra Flamenca”
Luckily, Zambra Mora has become very popular among bellydancers. It was precisely inspired by the request of my Bellydance students, that I produced my educational video Zambra Flamenca, which is the foundation for this online course that you are about to experience.
I wish you could come to Spain or to New York City to take Zambra Mora private lessons with me!
Unfortunately, not very many dance enthusiasts can afford that. That is why I have created this Online Course, so you can take privates with me in the comfort of your own home, anywhere in the world.
This course is designed as a 5-week curriculum, with your Zambra Mora weekly practice building on the foundation of the previous week. However, you can LEARN AT YOUR OWN PACE. Remember, if we were together in the same physical space we would repeat the steps over and over. Being together in cyberspace is the same: you play the video again and we repeat together until you get these ancient steps in your body!
To compensate for the fact that we are not physically together, each private lesson you receive in this course was carefully shot in a 3 camera studio, using state of the art digital technology and lighting, so you get a sense of three-dimensionality as if I were right there, teaching you.
Likewise, each lesson is delivered to you in high quality mp4 (a format of video compatible with both Mac and PC, Tablets and Smartphones)
In order to make it very easy for you to assimilate and master this splendid Zambra Mora dance that I so dearly love, I have invested my whole heart and over my over 20 year of teaching expertise so you have each step clearly explained and each combination carefully broken down into digestible bites.
The videos are short and to the point. All the fluff has been taken out of the lessons. What you get is the essence, so you can learn this dance fast. And, of course, like in a live dance class, you need to repeat the material until it gets into your body. Play those videos over and over again, repeating with me until you embody this elegant and sensual dance.
Each week, I will teach you a good number of different, passionate, elegant steps, and we will put them with the music.
Here is a summary of the steps you will learn:
Zambra Mora Week 1:
Basic Turn
Embrace the Moon
Knee lift and Carrerilla
Good Fortune Turn
Zambra Mora Week 2:
Cape Turn
Carrerilla del Toro
Open up
Fire Turns
Remolino Turns
The other side
Zambra Mora Week 3:
Punteado Antiguo
Turn and Flame Arms
Kicks and Paseillo
Lifts and Walk Back
Zambra Mora Week 4:
Taconeo and leap
Marcar sideways
Marcar p’atrá
Claps and Turn
Passion in the Hair
Zambra Mora Week 5:
Taconeo and Turn
Body Percussion
Walk with open arms
Turn around yourself
Barrel Turns
Point Down to the Core
Final Desplante
As you can see, in each private lesson, you will learn between five to seven different genuine steps, which is a lot more than my local private students get per class. Have fun playing the videos over and over and repeat with me as if we were in a live class!
Yes! You’ll get several fabulous bonuses, (only for my online students) at no extra charge!
Week 2 Bonus:
You will get the remarkable Zambra music that we use for our choreography. This music is one of my favorite Zambras in the whole wide world. This Zambra music is so passionate, exciting and heartfelt that it makes me want to dance every time I hear it.
(I went great lengths to license this genuine Zambra music so I can provide you everything you need to dance an authentic Zambra)
And, of course, you will have access to this exhilarating Zambra music in a high quality mp3 that you can download and keep as well.
Week 3 Bonus:
As a special bonus on week 3, I will perform for you in full costume the exact same Zambra you are learning, so you start seeing how the whole dance flows together.
For your visual pleasure we shot this performance in a three camera studio with state of the art lights.
Furthermore, you will also have access to a short film with a historical overview of the Zambra Mora tradition that I have produced to give you a sense of where authentic Zambra Mora comes from. You will discover where did Zambra Mora originate, how Zambra Mora came to be forbidden and how this tradition was passed down to the Gypsies.
Week 4 Bonus:
On week 4 you will receive a very special bonus:
The Pilgrim of Love, one of the most fascinating Tales of the Alhambra as written by romantic author Washington Irving.
You will get a collector’s edition of Pilgrim of Love ebook profusely illustrated with genuine historical engravings.
I produced and published this especial edition myself to give you a sense of the historical and cultural context where Zambra Mora originally developed.
Week 5 Bonus:
This week you will receive two very unique and memorable bonuses in the form of my most acclaimed Zambra performances.
The first Zambra performance you get took place at the legendary Throne Room of Alexander the Great in the ancient city of Babylon (Iraq).
The second one is a passionate Zambra performance given at the renown Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in honor to famed author Ram Das.
Here is what dance enthusiasts and professionals have to say about their Zambra Mora online learning experience:
“It is with great joy that I am writing this review for Puela Lunaris and her “Zambra Flamenca” course.
Her instructions are precise, the music is beautiful, and most important is her historical accounts of the dance and why it is in danger of extinction.
I am eternally grateful for the time and dedication she has given to the creation of this Zambra Course.
I wholeheartedly recommend this lovely instructional Zambra Course, which would make a wonderful addition to anyone’s collection.
Additionally, learning the art form of Zambra Mora enables us, to pass the tradition and preserve the dance.”
With Gratitude,
Mara ~ Moorish Gypsy Dancer
“Puela, your dancing is mesmerizing to watch. The music is passionate and authentic.
You have had done a wonderful work in rescuing and preserving this exquisite art form and promoting the cultural awareness at an international level.
The dance is a gem and a treasure. It is a part of world cultural heritage.
As I said, I really enjoy the music. And the dance, it’s exceptionally beautiful, enjoyable, inspirational and spiritual!
The dance which is also doable to dance enthusiasts at all levels, gives me joy, serenity and yet energy to cope with daily stress!
It is a delight and privilege to learn these exquisite dance forms in person with a master like you.
Thank you so much and look forward to the updates on your wonderful projects.”
Pamela Thamsuttigul
Dance Enthusiast – Singapore
“I am a bellydance teacher and I have been looking for something just for myself, to give me some passion back and refresh my spirit, so… flamenco it is!
I came from a ballet background, which taught me to fight with my body and left me like an unrequited lover, frustrated and devastated.
I have seen you many times on You Tube, and what attracted me most, shallowly enough, was your voice and your face. You have a generosity in you which is infectious, and your eyes are warm.
I found you again recently through searching for Zambra Mora information, and when I saw the content of your website I felt really thrilled. I have always been attracted to dance ethnology, and have great respect for teachers who really research and have full feeling for their subject, such as yourself, and I have striven to achieve this in my own teaching.
I intend to purchase as much of your courses as possible, next thing on my list though, is your Whirling. What I like most is that you seem to integrate the spiritual within the physical, which is to me what it’s all about. Big love to you, in any language you like,”
from Antonia
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, United Kingdom