Bring the Power of Feminine Flamenco
into Your Teaching Work

Stand Out & Open New Streams of Income
Teaching a Dance You Love,
Even If You Are Just Starting Out


Enjoy a fun, multimedia, interactive, online Teacher Training that shows you, step-by-step, how to teach & perform the (almost extinct) art of Feminine Flamenco and the traditional Spanish Skirt Dance Style.


Gain access to proven teaching tools, accurate Flamenco history & culture, musicality, rhythmic training, dance composition, improvisation, marketing, presentation skills, live coaching, practice teaching, community & more!

Take Aways

 Everyone receives a Letter of Acknowledgment upon completion of the Training.  In addition, you have the  option to get Certified by Dances of the World Society.

Are you an aspiring or current dance teacher, choreographer, troupe leader, coach, healer, or performance artist interested in bringing the power of Feminine Flamenco into your work?

Welcome to The Lunaris Barefoot Feminine Flamenco™ Teacher Training!

🌟 The online, multimedia, interactive program that shows you, step-by-step, how to gain the confidence & skills needed (including lesson plans, teaching tools, history, culture, rhythmic training, marketing, anatomy and more) to teach this invigorating art form, even if you never taught before.

🌟 Whether you’re a serious student, an aspiring dance teacher, or a well-seasoned instructor wanting to differentiate you from others in your area, I am here to help turn your dreams into a profitable reality.

🌟 By the end of this training, you will be able to make a difference in people's lives by teaching this exciting dance style with confidence, either in its traditional form or through your own fusions.

🌟 Everyone that completes the trainign will receive an Recognition of Attendance with the opportunity to also receive an official Certificate from Dances of the World Society.

 One-on-One Mentorship Available Now.

If interested, schedule a time to speak with me...

Book Now Your FREE Coaching Session

Let me show you a recent recording, in my native Spain,
teaching a traditional Flamenco skirt technique
along with Braceos (arm moves) & Floreos (hand moves)


Book Now Your FREE Coaching Session!

With This Training, You Get Lifetime Access to Fascinating, Exclusive Content!

We Will Cover...


Rhythmic Training
Dance Composition
Create Your Own Unique Project
Inspiration from History & Culture
Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™


Stage presence
Costuming & Staging
Savvy Marketing Magic
Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem
Successful Presentation Skills™


Injury Prevention
Self-Care Secrets
Dance for Fitness
Conditioning Exercises
Anatomy in Plain English 
Warm-ups & Cool-downs
Movement Arts for Well-Being ™

Who Is Teaching This Training?

¡Hola! I am Puela Lunaris, the founder of Dances of the World Society. I have devoted my life since 1993 to rescuing dance and music traditions in danger of extinction from my native Spain, including Zambra and my signature style Lunaris Barefoot Feminine Flamenco™. 

In this training, I am putting at your service my 25+ years of experience as a dance teacher, performer, scholar, and multimedia producer. You will also benefit greatly from my extensive knowledge of my own culture as a native Spaniard and my formal studies in earning a Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education & Spanish Culture from the State University of New York, along with my Master in Digital Media from New York University. 

I feel very accomplished in my career as I have fulfilled all my dreams and aspirations as a performer and teacher. Now my passion is to coach other dancers, so they can fulfill theirs, and to pass down the Feminine Flamenco tradition in danger of extinction that I so cherish.  If you want to give this training a chance, know that I will be lovingly dedicated to your success!

I want to get to know YOU!
Let's talk!

"Puela Lunaris is a consummate professional who provides exceptional strength in the field of dance education."

Arlene Jordan
Director of Education, New York City Center Education Department

Puela Lunaris Has Been Featured on

What Is Feminine Flamenco?

What we see today, on most stages, is a hybrid of masculine and feminine Flamenco. Originally, the women in Flamenco did not do barely any footwork. Footwork was part of the masculine dancing.  

In Flamenco, originally, women danced more with their hips, their torso, their arms, their skirts… In short, their dance was a spellbinding display of feminine charm. I am fascinated by and devoted to the rediscovery of the pure feminine Flamenco style, which is regrettably almost in danger of extinction these days.


To recover and revive Feminine Flamenco dancing, I have researched and studied for decades under the Gitanas matriarchs grandmothers in my native Spain who are the keepers of the ancestral memory and still dance with no footwork as the female Flamenco dancers originally did.

I am often asked: why dancing Flamenco barefoot? While many Flamenco dancers base their identity as artists on their shoe-based dancing, I base mine on dancing barefoot. Similar to Isadora Duncan at the beginning of the 20th century, I feel constricted dancing in shoes. I love the freedom and the lyricism of dancing barefoot! Dancing barefoot is not a technique, it is simply a choice a dancer makes. Flamenco is older than the invention of the Flamenco shoes. You are welcome to dance as you wish, with or without shoes.

In this video, you can see a rendition of the choreography we will use as a case study in our training. The name of the choreography is "Lerele & Lolailo," the music is a Tango Flamenco, and the steps come directly from the traditional way of dancing by the Gitana grandmothers in Spain.

I created this Teacher Training to keep alive the wisdom and the power of the sensual, feminine way of dancing Flamenco and pass it on to future generations.

Would you join me?

If Interested in Exploring Possibilities
Book Now a FREE Coaching Call

What Will You Specifically Get, Learn, and Be Able to Teach?

The Lunaris Technique™: Feminine Flamenco

I will share with you a wealth of foundational elements from our Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™ including:

  • Floreo (hand moves)
  • Braceo (arm moves)
  • Marcajes (marking the rhythm with your feet & body)
  • Vueltas (turns)
  • Contoneos (sways)
  • Taconeos (light footwork)
  • Andares & Paseos (traveling steps)
  • Percusión Corporal (body percussion)
  • Plus, over 20 awesome and genuinely traditional Flamenco Skirt Techniques.

    I like dancing barefoot, but you are welcome to wear dancing sandals, slippers, shoes, or whatever you prefer. Moreover, you can blend in your classes all the above elements and use them in your own Flamenco-inspired fusions and choreographies.

    I am here to pass down to you the feminine Flamenco traditional dance vocabulary so you can develop your own creativity!

12 Weekly Lesson Plans for You to Teach a Full Course

From the moment you join the training, you gain weekly access to a multimedia course guide with a 12-week detailed lesson plan, so you can teach an exciting Feminine Flamenco traditional choreography or use it as a model to teach your own choreographies.

This guide will make it easy for you to retain your students and take them from beginners to intermediate students able to deliver an exciting performance. And, I will also show you how to teach this material to advanced students. In addition, you get blank lesson plan templates that you can use over and over to plan other classes.

Create Your Own Project

In addition to teaching a traditional choreography, you also get the option of taking the elements of the Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™ that you will be learning in this training to create your own vibrant Flamenco-inspired dance or fusion project (some of our alumni have combined Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™ with healing, Bellydance, Yoga, Qigong or mindfulness) 

Let me show you how the elements of the Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™ that you will be learning can be put together to create vibrant Flamenco-inspired dance! In this video, I am performing a Rumba Flamenca Moruna for a TV show in my native Spain using many of the elements you´ll learn in this training. You also gain access to a great course on Dance Composition that will make it really easy for you to create your own choreos and fusions!


Effective Teaching Methodology

Your Students Will Love You!

During this training you will acquire and practice:
1.    Effective Instruction Strategies based on the 3 main learning modalities of Neuro-Linguistic Programing
2.    Important Key Action Words for exciting and clear instruction
3.    Essential Descriptive Words to make your teaching soar to a whole new level
4.    Specific Prompts to clearly guide your students making progression easy
5.    Crucial Secrets of classroom management (including strategies to deal with difficult students)
6.    Notions of Classroom Organization for effective teaching with or without mirrors
7.    Clever Ways to Assess your student’s needs on the fly

In addition, I will coach you to develop an inspiring body language and a fascinating teacher’s presence so that your students love you, can’t get enough of you, and keep coming back for more!

Anatomy for Dancers in Plain English

"The dancer's body is simply the luminous manifestation of the soul"
Isadora Duncan

It is vital that we get to know our precious bodies to enrich the way we teach our classes and to help our students develop body awareness.

In this module, we explore anatomy in a concise, juicy, easy, and fun way to promote proper alignment, mastery of space, empowering breathing, and prevention of injuries. Here are some topics we’ll explore:

  • Relationship between the plains of space and the human body
  • What is a joint? Types of Joints
  • Relationship between bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles
  • The value of fascia
  • Important muscles every dancer needs to be aware of
  • What about Gravity?

Musicality & Rhythmic Training

I have developed a proprietary rhythmic training method called Flamenco Rhythms Revealed™. With this method you can easily help your students assimilate the Flamenco rhythms and experience them in their bodies moving across the floor.

You will also get counted versions of the dance, structured into clear dance phrases for easy learning and progression. Plus, you get a music map done for you and the lyrics for the choreography song with the translation in English.

Master Keys to Improvisation

Improvisation is important in many dance forms. Certainly, it is so in Flamenco. In this module we go over important keys and cues to understand how to improvise in Flamenco, especially when dancing to live music.
To see a practical application of the concepts we’ll be exploring, watch me improvising to the live music of the ever-popular BeatboxGuitar with no previous rehearsal.


History & Culture

Do you feel uncertain talking about Flamenco history and culture?
Do you want to come across as somebody who knows exactly what you are talking about?

In this Professional Development Program you benefit not only from the riveting research I conducted while earning a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language & Culture from the State University of New York, but also you benefit immensely from my knowledge of my own culture as a native Spaniard,  so you feel confident that you know what you are talking about regarding Flamenco history & culture while coming across as an expert on the subject.

Some topics we’ll explore are:

  1. A concise overview of what is Flamenco
  2. The difference between traditional and theatrical Flamenco dance
  3. The difference between dancing Flamenco with shoes or barefoot
  4. The difference between Flamenco as a dance form and a music genre
  5. The difference between feminine & masculine Flamenco dance styles
  6. Flamenco terminology with correct pronunciation/spelling in Spanish and translations in English
  7. An introduction to Gitana culture in Spain and its relationship to Flamenco
  8. Tangos Flamencos. What are they?

    Here is an excerpt from one of our weekly Q&As. We discussed the difference between Zambra Mora, Feminine Flamenco, and Barefoot Flamenco.

The Lunaris Technique™: Self-Care

The Lunaris Technique™: Self-Care,  includes conditioning exercises based on concepts of Sacred Geometry from ancient Mediterranean cultures and other ancient traditions such as Qi Qong & Yoga.

You can use this proven technique to extract what you need for balanced warm-ups and cool-downs in your  classes or your own self-care.

Let me show you a simple (yet highly effective) conditioning exercise

In this video, you see me demonstrate a postural alignment exercise and a passive neck stretch combined with sound, which are great to use in the beginning of your warm-ups.


How It Works

During this mentorship you gain access to fresh, exciting, and well-structured multimedia content (instructional videos, licensed music, lesson plans, handouts, worksheets, and more) which you can study at your own pace. You'll have lifetime access to the content without having to pay any additional fees!

While the training is live, we get together as you need it for Q&As, coaching, and to practice teaching. (
The perfect timing for this will be discussed to make it convenient for your schedule, depending on your time zone and availabilty)

The time investment you can expect to make is between 3-6 hours/week. So it is really easy to fit this training with your current schedule and priorities.

As I mentioned, you'll have lifetime access to the content without having to pay any additional fees! Isn't it great to have reference material at your fingertips just when you need it?

If you want to be Certified by Dances of the World Society, you have the option of passing a qualifying class. Everyone else will receive a Diploma of Attendance upon completing the Training.

The truth is that coming to Spain or to New York City to train with me can be extremely expensive. I have some rich students who can afford $20,000 or more to train with me in Spain or New York. However, I understand that not everyone has that kind of money.

To make it convenient and save you money, I have created this state-of-the-art online, multimedia, interactive training, so you can access quality professional development and learn everything you need from the comfort of your home.

During this Teacher Training you are NOT alone in front of a computer. I am with you every step of the way, fully invested in your success! You'll have your questions answered during our Office Hours/Coaching Sessions. Plus, you have lifetime access to the content and you can review everything as much as you want without having to pay again and again as in live classes.

What Are Dancers Saying?

Puela is THE source to learn from!

"I love learning at my own pace and having the modules and videos to read and watch over and over again.

I enjoy having the community and being able to see the other dance teachers’ comments. Puela makes herself available for discussions and answering questions through our group coaching calls."

Elena Rose. Spring Lake, North Carolina

Every dollar spent has been worth it!

"Puela Lunaris has far exceeded my expectations! Her level of expertise and ability to break down every detail has made this online program feel as though I was taking an actual dance class rather than virtually.

Puela provides so much information that covers not only technique, but the culture, history, and life behind the dances!"

Jesska, Founder BaileDance Company, New York City

This online program is structured very well!

"Puela’s pastoral care is excellent! This training has filled in a lot of gaps for me. Now I have the vocabulary to break down the moves, as well as the imagery!

I have benefited by learning about choreography, musicality, palmas, also the subtleties of Flamenco styles. The multimedia approach is fantastic! "

Maureen Theresa. Dancer, soloist; writer/blogger. Walsall, United Kingdom

Bonus #1: Special Guest Teachers: 


Productivity & Networking for Dance Teachers
w/Kaeshi Chai

To thrive as dance teachers, we need to have our time-management skills well developed. In this special talk, we'll be learning, directly from a master, crucial best practices for productivity and outreach.

Topics Covered:

  • Ways to structure a day for maximum productivity
  • How to follow the structure by being focused and efficient
  • How to keep balance between admin, marketing, and creative practices
  • Networking & Outreaching
  • Q & A

About Kaeshi

KAESHI CHAI co-founded the school and company, Bellyqueen and international community, PURE (Public Urban Ritual Experiment). She has taught and performed in 39 countries and 47 states and is an alumni member of the Bellydance Superstars and Jillina's Bellydance Evolution. She has danced for the Queen of Morocco and taught belly dance on CNN and WB11. Kaeshi regularly teaches groups and private clients and also loves drumming. 


Teaching Movement: Creating a Conscious Classroom
w/Johanna Zenobia

In this workshop, Johanna includes foundational groundwork from her complete Hip Expressions Teacher Training.  We’ll delve into self-inquiry, exploring your motives, identifying your values, and creating concrete strategies on how to apply those directly to your classroom experience.  Compose an approach that will give your students clarity, focus, and success!  These techniques can be applied to ANY movement style, and all types of teaching situations - from one-time workshops to a weekly class. Gain essential key notes in only one session!

About Johanna

Johanna 'Zenobia' Krynytzky is known for her compassionate leadership, insightful guidance, and artistic vision on and off the dance floor. She heads up Hip Expressions, a hub of hundreds of dancers, yogis, and artists in St Petersburg, Florida.  This inclusive cultural creative movement community hosts a revolutionary feel-good vibe that embraces all with an inspiring whirlwind of activity.  The Hip Expressions Teacher Training spreads their mission of community, connection, and empowerment beyond their four walls and out to all. Johanna's mindful approach inspires her commitment to personal growth, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills.


The Tao of Anatomy
w/Richard Anton Diaz

In the Tao of Anatomy, we learn how to create power within our movement by accessing the natural forces of energy, such as gravity, rather than the activation of muscle leading to tension. Instead, we allow the muscles to respond rather than to work resulting in eventual fatigue.

We also will learn how to "empty our mind" into our lower brain center allowing for a more instinctual, spontaneous, intelligence to express our movement.

About Anton

Richard Anton Diaz is a former World Champion Ballroom dancer who upon retiring became a Certified Taoist Educator and Instructor, teaching Tai Chi and QiGong as well the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healing Arts.


Bonus #2: Prepare to Teach Workshops: Before - During - After

Become an Extraordinary Workshop Leader!

In this module, we will practice:
•    how to put together workshop proposals that are irresistible to organizers
•    how to write appealing workshop blurbs that help sell out your events
•    how to take portions of a dance and teach it at workshops in a way that makes you a memorable teacher
•    how to create instant rapport with your workshop attendees, even if you never met them before
•    how to command the attention and the respect of your participants
•    how to quickly assess the different levels and needs of your students
•    how to teach multi-level workshops
•    how to get wonderful testimonials and follow up with your students

In addition, I’ll share with you examples of workshop proposals that got me hired as a star teacher at famous festivals. I will also share examples of workshop descriptions and blurbs so enticing that we had to close registration ahead of time because the events sold out.


Bonus #3: Teach Dance Through Technology (Paid-in-Full Bonus)

Develop Your Own Online Dance Studio

It’s no secret at this point that COVID-19 has changed the way we teach dance. I have had my Online Dance Academy since 2008. I can help you avoid all the mistakes I made and losing time & money by introducing you to the most comprehensive, state-of-the-art, easy-to-use platform I have found to host our online courses even if you are not technically savvy.

Because having a permanent online dance studio can increase our reach and our income, in this special bonus workshop, I will also share with you much of the crucial knowledge I acquired during my Master in Digital Media at New York University.

Bonus #4: Savvy Marketing Skills

Are you confused, overwhelmed, or stuck, with marketing?
Are you sometimes jealous that other dancers, less talented than yourself, are able to get ahead of you only because they have mastered marketing & self-promotion?

In this training, you’ll create often-ignored, yet crucial, materials to easily master marketing and develop a powerful personal brand even if you were confused, overwhelmed, or hated marketing for years.

You’ll discover empowering, proven, and easy to implement marketing tools that will help you find students, keep them, and consistently make money teaching dance.

You’ll receive assignments and worksheets to help you:

  • Define Your Ideal Student Profile
  • Find Your Unique Selling Proposition
  • Make Competition Irrelevant
  • Enhance Your Social Media Presence
  • Develop a Fascinating Personal Brand
  • Understand the Basics of Press Releases & Media Relations

Bonus #5: Wonderful International Community & Practice Teaching

Become part of a lovely international community of wonderful dancers & dance teachers like yourself! We inspire each other, encourage each other, share our dance journeys, and develop friendships.

You also get plenty of opportunities to practice teaching, so by the end of this training you feel absolutely confident to teach this dance style.

Bonus #6: Your Questions Answered

During this training, you are NOT alone in front of a computer. I am lovingly dedicated to your success as a dancer & dance teacher, so I host complimentary Office Hours/Group Coaching sessions, at no extra charge, to answer all your questions and give you the personal care and support you need.

The world can be a stressful place. Our time together is meant to be more than just a training. It is meant to be an Enrichment Program, an oasis where you can renew yourself, enjoy community, connect with your essence as a dance teacher, and contribute to a more pleasant world by passing down a dance style in danger of extinction filled with feminine charm!

Bonus # 7: How Flamenco is Taught in Spain (Priceless!)

I am always working on my own professional development. This year you can enjoy something very special!...

I took the course Metodología de la enseñanza del baile flamenco, (Flamenco Dance Teaching Methodology) with Concha Jareño & Andrés Peña, at the International Flamenco Festival in Jerez, and I will transmit to you the essence of what I learned!

But Wait! That's Not All: Here Are More Fabulous Bonuses!

Licensed Music & Resources

•   Fully licensed music (10 tracks) for performing and teaching your classes
•   The Blueprint for Learning and Teaching Dance (this resource will give you tons of amazing ideas)
•   Lesson plans for further dance exploration including: hip-hop, modern dance history, and choreographic devices.
•   Annotated bibliographies and recommended articles
•   Resource Lists

Additional Pay-in-Full BONUSES!


PAY IN FULL BONUS #1: Successful Presentations Skills™ ($600 value)

Teaching a class or a workshop is actually public speaking. The 6 Pillars of Successful Presentations™ is my very own trade-marked methodology that I use to coach many top executives and successful entrepreneurs in New York City to develop their stage presence.

During this training, you too will benefit from these Successful Presentation Skills™ so you can be confident and develop a fascinating teaching presence that will keep your students coming back for more. This video summarizes what my Successful Presentation Skills™ methodology is about and the benefits you can receive from it


PAY IN FULL BONUS #2 : The Legendary Gitano Masters Music Anthology ($150 value)

The Legendary Gitano Masters Anthology is a rare collector’s item. It is an ethnographic, historical, and musical jewel for any lover of world music. It includes 12 albums, with more than 200 songs, covering over 30 distinct Flamenco styles.

PAY IN FULL BONUS #3: One-on-One Additional Private Lesson with Puela ($100 value)

You can use this private lesson however it serves you best. Perhaps you want help with your qualifying class for your certification, constructive critique for your marketing materials, or ideas to develop your own online dance studio... Whatever you need, I am here for you!

I Want ALL the Bonuses! Give Them to Me Now

"This course has changed how I think of myself.
I am excited to say that I now think of myself as a dance teacher!

My main hesitation in taking the course was around having the confidence to think that I would ever be able to be a dance teacher.

During the course I learnt techniques for teaching, was provided with a wealth of background information and was given a clear and strong teaching structure.  This gave me the confidence to begin teaching dance, and to enjoy teaching dance.

I was amazed and impressed by the level of detail covered by the course, and the clear, concise way in which it was organised into bite size chunks which made it feel accessible.

I would recommend this course to all those who love Spanish Dance and would like to teach it.

Thank you Puela!!"
Natasha Dunlop. Norfolk, United Kingdom

Is this Course Guaranteed?

Yes! You can experience this training for a whole week, 100% Risk Free. If during that time, you don’t feel this program is for you, I will gladly refund your full tuition.

So you’ll have a whole 7 days to drive-test the course. If after giving it an honest try, you think this is not the training for you, I’ll happily refund you 100% of your money. Risk Free. Guaranteed.


Let's Review... What will You Get, Learn, and Be Able to Teach?

✓ Lunaris Feminine Flamenco Technique™
✓ How to Teach Floreos (hand moves)
✓ How to Teach Braceos (armwork)
✓ How to Teach the passionate Flamenco turns
✓ How to Teach Marcajes (marking the rhythm with your feet and body)
✓ How to Teach Spanish Skirt Dance. Including over 20 distinct techniques rooted in authentic, traditional dance 
✓ How to Teach Feminine & Masculine Flamenco in a school setting
✓ How to implement a multimedia teaching unit with a 12 week detailed lesson plans that you can use for your classes
✓ Blank (reusable) lesson plan templates
✓ Successful Presentation Skills™
✓ Effective Teaching Methodology
✓ Progression and Skill-Building Made Easy
✓ Clever Student Assessment Strategies
✓ Classroom Management & Organization
✓ Anatomy of Movement in Plain English
✓ Improvisation
✓ Dance Composition
✓ Flamenco History & Culture
✓ Wonderful International Community!
✓ Interactive Group Coaching Sessions with Puela to Have All Your Questions Answered
✓ Guided Practice Teaching Sessions
✓ Suggestions for Class Attire, Costumes, and Staging
✓ Recommendations for Performances Opportunities
✓ Savvy Marketing Skills
✓ Fully licensed music (10 tracks) for performing and teaching your classes
✓ Lyrics with translation in English for the choreography song
✓ How to become a memorable workshop leader
✓ Counted and improvised versions of the dance
✓ Flamenco Rhythms Revealed™ (Rhythmic Training)
✓ The Lunaris Technique™ for Self-Care (Conditioning Exercises Based on Sacred Geometry)
✓ Additional Gitana Music from Legendary Flamenco Masters

Access the Tools, Training, and Support You Need to Make a Difference in the World through DANCE!

Regular Tuition: $5,000

Unique Opportunity!



Includes Full Lifetime Access to the Content


🌟 Successful Presentation Skills ($600 value)

🌟 The Legendary Gitano Masters Music Anthology ($150 value)

🌟 Additional One-on-One Private Lesson ($100 value)

🌟 Teach Dance Through Technology Training ($300 value)


Regular price: $5,000

Oh, Yes! Give it to Me Now!

Three Monthly Installments of



Includes Full Lifetime Access to the Content

I Want the Installments

Are You Wondering
If This Teacher Training Is Right For You?

Let's talk! If money is an issue, let's explore possibilities together. I still have a few scholarships and work-exchange positions available.

During our call you will have all your questions answered and understand if this program is right for you. We can also discuss your main concerns and your dancing goals for this year.

I will be glad to share strategic tips that can help and inspire you. There no obligation whatsoever to sign up for my program!

But I only have limited time slots available. The spaces for these high-value sessions are very limited and highly coveted! Make sure to book yours as soon as possible.


50% Complete

Two Step

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